Monday, October 12, 2009

Anxiety Symptoms And Stress

Anxiety symptoms can spring on us when we least need them. Right before an interview we start perspiring and our chest tightens. We get nervous and jittery when talking to someone we like. Talk about bad timing. Why on earth do our bodies make things more difficult when we need to be on the ball the most?

You might be surprised to hear that these anxiety symptoms are due to our bodies natural response designed to actually help us in dangerous situations. You're at a scene of an accident. You feel a surge of adrenaline run through your body; you become stronger, your awareness heightens and your reactions quicken. Suddenly you're in the mode to tackle any problem.

Of course it doesn't always happen like this. Sometimes we do just panic and we lose control. The problem is that our natural stress response system is triggered too frequently and easily. Just take a look around at the people in your workplace, stress is everywhere! In the millions of years we've been on this planet our natural stress response has remained unchanged.

Go back a few million years and you'll see that man wasn't getting stressed with a mortgage, relationships and work. He wasn't worried about bills or health problems. The only thing he feared was being attacked or eaten by a predator. Present day and we humans aren't up against saber tooth tigers but we do have threats nonetheless.

Our natural stress response is behind with the times. It thinks that a real threat or fear is the same as an imagined threat or a threat to one's ego. This includes even the most trivial problems. We burn the toast in the morning, we miss the train, we get embarrassed in the office, your favorite team sports team loses a game; any one of these situations can trigger anxiety and stress.

It's common for people to feel stressed without really knowing why. Anxious and stressful thoughts preoccupy or minds and we become irritable. Even our physiology changes; we hunch our shoulders, we become more introverted, this makes breaking free from anxiety symptoms even more difficult.

There are alternatives to treating anxiety symptoms other than prescription medication. Since medication can have serious side effects trying a natural therapy might be an alternative. Behavioral changes can be made through therapy. Symptoms of anxiety are really just sensations and feelings that anyone can learn to control.

You don't have to live with anxiety symptoms anymore. Get the answers to overcome this disorder at the Anxiety Symptoms Site.

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